Chapter 1c: Letting Go

Narration: In the City-State of Gridania, the citizens strive to rebuild their home. Though it’s been two years since the Calamity, the destructive force of the Elder Primal Bahamut can still be felt. The Elementals, guardian spirits of the Twelveswood, after expunging all of their power to protect Twelveswood, have yet to reappear. In their steed, the three guilds of Gridania have banned together to do what they can to ensure that both Gridania and the Twelveswood remain safe.

Currently, at one of those guilds, the Archer’s Guild, member’s of the God’s Quiver were meeting to discuss strategical solutions to a current problem involving a group of poachers.

Silvairre: Calm down!?
I will not calm down!

I had Pawah right where I wanted her, that is until this girl interfered, completely throwing off my shot!

Nuvea: Interfered!? Why I oughta!

Narration: Moaned Nuvea as she listened from outside of the meeting hall.
Inside, as Milyah would do her best to defend her daughter, the angered Elezen would grow more the angst.

Milyah: That girl is my daughter and you would do wise to respect her as you would me!

Silvairre: Is this what the God’s Quiver has become?
Some sort of daycare for Gridania’s younglings!?

Bowlord Lewin: Silvairre, you will reframe from these outbursts or consider yourself no longer a member of the God’s Quiver.

Silvairre: Such weakness, that you would expel me from that of which I was born to do! And for a meddlesome Hyur youngling at that.

I will finish what business I have with that Miqo’te wench and then you can have my bow.

Luciane: Silvairre, wait!

Bowlord Lewin: Let him be.
And let this be a lesson to any who would follow in his stead.
His anger is what got the best of him and what cost him his target, not some youngling.

Narration: Outside the Seat of the First Bow, Nuvea stares down Silvairre as he walks past, turning his nose up at her. Meanwhile, an Archer scout would make their way past the two and demand entrance to the Seat of the First Bow.

Upon entry, the Scout would inform Lewin news of a lost Wood Wailer being found in the Coerthan Central Highlands. Both Zeriah and Milyah would gasp as the Wood Wailer in question was identified.

Bowlord Lewin: Are you sure what you heard is true?

Archer Scout: Yes, there’s no doubt sir, I heard the other Wood Wailers say that it was non-other than former Captain Cera.

Narration: Both Milyah and Zeriah’s eyes open wide with a look of disbelief. Outside, Nuvea slightly gasps before covering her mouth. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Cera, who was like a big sister to her, was alive. Nuvea placed her ear up against the door once more and continued to listen in.

Milyah: But that’s impossible!
I…I…saw Cera’s death with my own eyes.

Bowlord Lewin: If what you say is true, then I’ll need you to go as an envoy and confirm if what both the Wood Wailers and the Coerthans are saying is true. The last thing we need is another Voidsent masquerading as one of us.

Milyah: Understood.

Narration: Before heading out, Zeriah pulls Milyah to the side. Zeriah, worried about both Nuvea’s safety as well as her sanity, would propose a pact of secrecy.

Zeriah: Mily, have you any idea what this would do to Nuvea if she found out?

Milyah: I know, but how do we keep something like this a secret?
Especially, when I know a certain daughter of mine is listening right outside the door!

Narration: Shouts Milyah, letting on to the fact that she was well aware of Nuvea eavesdropping. Milyah and Zeriah hear a slight thud and thump, while outside, Nuvea pretends as if she wasn’t. Zeriah sighs, knowing very well what Nuvea’s eavesdropping could mean.

Zeriah: You do know what this’ll mean right?

Milyah: Locking her in her room until we return…

Zeriah: HA!
As if keeping that youngling under lock and key ever did any good. She’s as stubborn and head strong as her father. Not to mention at times reckless.

Milyah: Evo…

Zeriah: Oh…uh, I’m sorry Milyah.
I didn’t mean to…

Milyah: No it’s fine.
It’s just like he’s vanished off the face of the planet.

Zeriah: Don’t worry Milyah, we’ll find him…I promise.

Milyah: Well, shall we face “She who shall not be named”?

Narration: When Zeriah and Milyah exited the Seat of the First Bow, Nuvea was out in the training area. She had her bow and all in hand, pretending to practice her archery. Milyah and Zeriah both looked at Nuvea with a sarcastic smirk on their faces.

Nuvea: *Yawn*
Well, would you look at the time.

Narration: Nuvea tries to sneak off, but is stopped by both her mother and her aunt.

Zeriah: Oh no you don’t young lady.

Nuvea: Auntie Zee!!

Zeriah: Don’t you Auntie Zee me.

Milyah: She’s right Nuvea, we know that you were eavesdropping on us.

Nuvea: Ooooh, but it’s Cera!

Zeriah: You don’t know that!

Nuvea: You’re always like this!
Even when dad…

Narration: Nuvea takes a deep breath before thinking back on what happened after the Calamity took place. She remembers that even back then how she would beg and plead with both her mom and aunt to search for Evogolist. While both Milyah and Zeriah would mourn the loss of their loved one, they also knew the dangers that existed across the realm.

Nuvea eyes soon begin to well up as she once again pleads to them.

Nuvea: …even when Dad vanished, you wouldn’t help me.

Zeriah: To protect you!

Nuvea: Then stop protecting me!
I’m almost eightteen years old. I don’t need you to protect me, I need you to help me. So please Auntie Zee…and Mom, for once, help me.

Narration: Both Zeriah and Milyah take a deep breath. They both think hard on Nuvea’s request, until finally coming to a decision.

Milyah: Very well, Nuvea you can come, but on one condition. You have to stay close to us. And no funny business.

Nuvea: Awesome!!
I’m going to go tell Sangi and Neya!

Zeriah: Nuvea wait!?
We leave first…thing…in the morning.

Ugh, why do I feel like I’m going to regret this?

Milyah: If I remember correctly, someone else was the same way when they were her age.

Zeriah: Says the lady that over a hundred years old.

Narration: The two leave, all the while laughing as they reminiscing on their past. Not far behind, a cloaked sinister being watches, smiling devilishly before disappearing. A red glyph appearing before the darkness of his face. One can only wonder what evil awaits our adventurers as they prepare to head out on their latest adventure.

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